Classe 2^
(Legenda: I link contrassegnati dall'asterisco contengono materiale più complesso, adatto per ulteriori approfondimenti)


New English File TESTMAKER

New English File Pre-Intermediate OnLine


Un video sull'anoressia e il mondo della danza Dying to be thin (Transcript)
Informazioni sul'alcol tratte dal progetto internazionale di prevenzione delle dipendenze Unplugged  Alcohol Info (UNPLUGGED)
Una lettera/blog di un'ex-anoressica che parla del suo disturbo (Susanna Weiss) Dear men, stop telling me real women have curves

a.s 2012-2013

The Western Woman's Harem A paper by the Moroccan sociologist Fatema Mernissi comparing the Western "size 6 ideal" with the Islamic veil     AUDIO

a.s. 2010-2011

Problem letters (asking for and giving advice) new! Lettere di teenagers ad Annie Fox in cui lei offre consigli
Giving advice (strutture linguistiche utili per offrire consigli) new!
Il sistema giuridico italiano e anglosassone Prosecutors
The Italian judicial system
The Italian and American legal systems: a comparison
Sicurezza in volo e negli aereoporti Alitalia security rules
Safety rules on board
Forbidden articles
Le controverse campagne pubblicitarie di Oliviero Toscani Olivero Toscani Controversial Advertising Campaigns
(Photos and an interview to the photographer)
Bullismo on-line: come difendersi.
L'ABC delle nuove tecnologie
Surviving Cyber Bullies & the A to Z of Technology (pdf file)PODCAST
(MP3: Reading of "Surviving Cyber Bullies" by MG Tundo)
(MP3: Reading of "Netiquette"by MGT)
Nina Simone: "I got no../ I got life" Lyrics
Youtube video
"White Flag" by Dido Lyrics (with gaps)

a.s. 2009-2010

Greenpeace ci spiega perché il nucleare non è la risposta giusta! Climate change: nuclear not the answer
Articolo dell'economista Serge Latouche sulla "decrescita felice" (in inglese e italiano) - Would the West actually be happier with less? The world downscaled
- File MP3 read by MG Tundo
Communism/Socialism vs Capitalism PPS Una presentazione Power Point su "Capitalismo vs Comunismo"
Communism/Socialism vs Capitalism A comparison of the two opposite political, economic and social systems
Women's Body -Il corpo delle donne


-Women's body (a documentary film by Lorella Zanardo)

- Trascrizione (fatta da studenti di 2D) della versione inglese della voce fuori campo presente nel documentario "Il corpo delle donne" di Lorella Zanardo, sulla TV in Italia. Edited by MG Tundo in 2010

- Transcription read by MG Tundo (MP3)   - Download MP3

1002 Arabian Nights Testo della canzone trascritta da Gabriella Rutigliano, 2A, a.s. 09-10

a.s. 2007-2008

Italian politics The Italian political system
2008 Italian Elections The New York Times on the Italian election results
Italy's 1968 Historical events starting in 1968
School and education (In Britain) Exercises by Ian Stanton
A song One in Ten by UB40 (lyrics)

a.s. 2006-2007

Problem Pages Teenage troubles
Adolescenti estremi (video: LA7)

a.s. 2004-2005

Anorexia and bulimia


The skinnier the prettier
Eating disorders *
Anorexia and bulimia (vocabulary)

COMMUNICATION The importance of body language*
Everyday body language (simple)
Top ten body language tips*
Body language during a job interview

a.s. 2002-2003

The Hippie movement

0318_animated_flower.gif (4995 byte) The Hippie Movement

Self and other

A poem by E. Dickinson haring_poster.gif (2692 byte)


io triste.gif (7713 byte)

Songs and lyrics

Sinéad O' Connor


Ernest Hemingway  (A biography)
Ernest Hemingway

The Old Man and the Sea

O Captain, My Captain by W. Whitman