A Soliloquy

by Alessio Aldini (olgelao@tin.it)

To love or not to love : that is the question:

whether ‘tis safer to drown in the sorrow of loneliness

and care about myself only,

or to give myself up in the hands

of someone who will care about or destroy me?

To love: to share : to bind lives and destinies.

To bet everything I have, everything I am on her.

To share: maybe to undergo, maybe to limit myself…

But since life is a chain tight enough to squeeze me,

will I be able to stand a tighter squeeze,

to live my life and let my life be lived by her?

She says she loves me now, if I say no

I don’t know whether she’ll love me tomorrow…

Can I miss this train?

What’s the alternative?

Should I live safe, sure of my love for myself or…?

…But since I love myself, then I have already chosen to love,

I’m brave enough to risk the damage of loving me no longer,

so I can risk again, I can choose to live my life

instead of watching time pass

like a rich man passes a poor beggar by,

I can choose to stop it in my memory, I can spread love

and give joy to another being.

How can I stand back now that I’ve realized all this?