Trifles, light as air,

Are to the jealous, confirmations strong As holy writ.


Othello is a noble Moor in the service of the Duke of Venice. Iago, his lieutenant, is insanely jealous of his success and preferment. Othello elopes with Desdemona, daughter of Brabantio, a Venetian senator and Iago informs the father, who complains to the Duke. The frank and simple story of Othello and Desdemona wins the Duke's consent to the marriage, perhaps the more readily because he needs Othello's services against the Turks. Iago plans to take advantage of Othello's credulous nature to undermine his trust in Desdemona.

It is through Othello's faithful lieutenant Cassio that Iago hopes to succeed in his plot. Arriving at Cyprus before Othello, Iago tries to incite Cassi'o to make advances toward Desdemona, gets him drunk, has him attack Iago’s own dupe, Roderigo, and involves him in such a turmoil of misdemeanors that Othello dismisses Cassio from his service.

Through his wife Emilia, Iago has Cassio introduced to Desdemona, to implore her to intercede for him with Othello. By various tricks Iago works upon Othello's jealousy, such as having a well-identified handkerchief of Desdemona's found in Cassio's lodgings.

The manufactured evidence of Desdemona's infidelity is supplemented constantly by Iago, until in his rage Othello strikes Desdemona publicly. Iago’s wife tries to reassure the jealous husband but he will not listen.

Iago's plotting has reached such a point that he is in danger from both Cassio and Roderigo, so he incites the latter to attack Cassio at night, and stands by to see that neither escapes. In the fight, he kills Roderigo and maims Cassio, before he is interrupted. Othello now insane from Iago's suggestions, goes to Desdemona's bedchamber and smothers her. Emilia arrives just late to save the innocent wife, and tells Othello the entire truth of Iago’s treachery. Iago enters and stabs his wife. Othello wounds Iago in a fight, then kills himself. Iago is sent away to punishment and Cassio is made Governorof of Cyprus.